Mom is a title but Motherhood is a journey

A friend of mine and seasoned parent mentioned that with kids, “the only constant is change.” And she was right. Just when you think you might have figured out something about your baby, there are leaps, regressions, teething woes, growth spurts, illness and much much more! As if these little miracles are doing this on purpose, just to keep us on our toes. The nerve!

When my son was born nearly two years ago, I imagined I’d fall right into the version of what I thought a mom was. That put-together, always knows what’s best type of mom. Far from it! I really had no idea what was best, it was more of a best guess so to speak. I also thought I’d be ooooozing love for my baby right from the start as well, but for me it was a much more gradual process to feel bonded and actually enjoy motherhood.

And I think when we get the title as “MOM” we feel the need to embody that title to its fullest, not to mention that we might feel inadequate for not adapting to this huge life change immediately. But in reality, we change, we adjust, we develop new skills, and we acquire new knowledge as we go. We also learn to seek support and advice from others to help us during our journey. There is the convenience of google but there is also something to be said about having a conversation with someone who’s been in the thick of it.

So I’m a Mom but I’m also at the beginning of my motherhood journey and I am learning to navigate the twists and turns as they come because maybe that’s what being a mom as is all about. And if I can help another mom out there who is just chugging along trying to navigate the challenges they are having with their babies sleep, then I feel fortunate to be part of their journey.